Monday, January 17, 2011

Jack Bauer is ruining our lives

I am exhausted. From work? No. Volleyball? Sadly, no. Lack of sleep? Yes.

But why am I lacking sleep, you ask? Jack Bauer is the answer.

Thursday night I was out playing volleyball. When I came back, I found Malcolm 5 episodes deep into the first season of 24. Having vaguely recalled watching the first few episodes myself a long while ago with MBA while he was on his "24 hours of 24 binges, I sat down to rest my weary bones and watched.

We have barely moved since.

We were supposed to clean house on Saturday. Didn't happen.

We were supposed to make dinner for ourselves. Didn't happen.

We were supposed to go to Yorkdale Mall to spend some gift certificates on ourselves. Didn't happen.

So what happened? The conversation I had with MBA over BBM most aptly explains our predicament.

mel - Jack Bauer is taking over our lives!
MBA - You're fucked. It's over. Get food, TP, 'cause you're never leaving the house again.
MBA - You should be socializing with friends, but you've only got one thing on your mind...
mel - Bauer! The power of Jack Bauer!
MBA - Can you hear the countdown in your head?
mel - *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
mel - We just spent 3 hours eating and playing at Dave and Busters, and the most exciting part of our night?
mel - Getting to go home to Jack.
MBA - Consider your life destroyed by 24.
MBA - Get eye drops
MBA - Put a toilet bowl by the TV
mel - Shut up! We're trying to watch 24!

And thus, I find myself exhausted. We finished the first season last night--very much against our own wills, actually. The smart thing would to be stop now while we've got a clean break.

But will we?

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

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