Thursday, December 30, 2010

BCE [Best Christmas Ever] - The Highlight Reel

(This day is going by RIDICULOUSLY slowly, so it feels like I have time to blog. Logically though, I know that it only feels that way.)

- GMa insisted we all play Wii Fit--she started us off with 19 points in the Soccer-Ball-heading-game. I stepped up to the plate and scored a whopping 441 points. While I was still in the victorious throes of my I-am-Awesome dance, quiet, Double-Jointed cousin stepped up and scored A PERFECT GAME of 500 points. She stepped off humbly and simply shrugged her shoulders: "Oops."

- I got Raptors tickets (yes, this is an awesome highlight in itself).

- Crazy and I booked a weekend stay at the Zambri Resort and were permitted to bring Moo with us. He was more popular than we were all holiday. Even those who weren't supposed to love him, did. Cousin DJ grabbed him up and hugged him--though she could break out in serious hives. MBA picked Moo up the instant he stepped in and proceeded to block all of his breathing passageways by rubbing him all over himself. Moo was semi-thrilled in the way that cats always are. When he tired of his own popularity, he slept out of reach either on top of the China hutch, or tucked into the duct system in our basement ceiling.

- Food.

- Good wine. I picked one--Sibling Rivalry--based purely on name alone. It was yum. Brodder's glowing-red face was proof enough of that fact.

- FamJam at the ROM day. Crazy arranged for the fam to have breakfast, see the Terracotta Warriors exhibit at the ROM, and then have sushi lunch all downtown on the 27th. It was so awesome that the four of my family passed out (probably mouths open) in the car on the way home while Crazy dutifully didn't laugh and drove us all back to the Resort.

Fudge, I feel like there was so much more, but 5 minutes have now elapsed and I feel as though I should get back to work...perhaps more later. Hopefully before the new year.

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