Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Definitely tacky


It's not that I have too much time on my hands. I am creative. I like to multitask. What else am I supposed to do with old business cards while I'm on the phone?

Explanation Update - 10:34pm

That "tacky" box is actually made out of old business cards.

My company changed logos recently so I have a box of out-dated cards. They're perfectly good little pieces of paper that I just don't have the heart to toss, so I Googled what to do with them and came up with this and voila:

But of course just a little cube wasn't enough. While I could probably take the time to build a little city out of these babies (heaven knows I collect enough damned business cards around here), I wanted to figure out something a little more practical...so I've begun with tacky boxes. :)


ehbaba said...

I don't get it...what did you do with the old business cards? I have boxes from my title change and then my name change that I don't know what to do with!

melody said...

Hope the explanatory update helps!

Pammee said...

thanks for MY tacky box!