Wednesday, March 25, 2009

10 types of people in the world

...those who understand binary and those who don't.


My nerdiness reached a momentus sort of peak tonight. At the request of someone I love, I've been fiddling around with building a spreadsheet for this one, and, wanting to do a GREAT job, I've learned SO MUCH about EXCEL.


Shit I learned tonight:
  • =vlookup

  • =sumif

  • list validation

  • =IF(AND (well, I kinda knew this one already)

  • summing date ranges

While I'm sure there was more, I was just so damned proud of myself for building the crappy spreadsheet and reports that I did. I clapped when my formulas worked, I cheered when I corrected logic errors, and I got all warm and fuzzy inside when values would fill themselves in the way I wanted them to.


I never once doubted the power of Excel, nor the sheer enjoyment of knowing how to use it (Roomie and ehbaba are proof enough that it's damned exciting) but I've never gotten to experience it myself...until tonight.


The sheet is still a work in progress, but like a good book you can't put down, I can't stop working on it!


melody said...

Lau, I want you to read this post and be proud of me! :D

ehbaba said...


I was JUST about to say that and it is so awesome that you knew I would comment on this and spoke to ME directly on your comment. My mind has been boggled.

I am proud of you. I am also happy for you because you have found a new joy in life...I bet Excel filled an empty space in your life that you didn't know you had before. ~sigh~ I love Excel.

To quote Brittney, there are "10" (lub it) types of people in the world: those who highlight a column of data by dragging the mouse down the entire column ~yawn~ and those who use ctrl+shift+down. BOO-YA-GA.

You would really enjoy linear programming in Excel! Not only are you using cool functions, you have to put thought into the structure of the spreadsheet to solve crazy ass problems.

Pammee said...

you just got so much cooler*.

like me.

*MY definition of cool, by the way, differs very much from the rest of the world. Translate: NERD ALERT!