Monday, December 22, 2008

Midnight meandering

Having browsed a bit of FB, I'm moved to make the comment that not enough people mark down their relationships. Okay, yes, who's business is it anyway? But in the end, if I was in a relationship that I could boast about, I'd be shoving it in everyone's face...even if it was in a such a subtle way like making sure my "Relationship Status" said "In a Relationship." Why wouldn't you want people to know you were happy in love with another?

But hey, that's just me. And that's coming from a lazy-to-non-FBer.

I wrapped a mountain of gifts tonight, wandered through a 24-hour WalMart, and made up some cookie dough for a bake-fest tomorrow. The colourful presents strewn about the dining room are the only indicators of the festive season in my house--I hope I can get the tree up tomorrow.

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