Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Instead of packing

When you're loved, you should never feel lonely. However, it is absolutely possible to feel lonely when you're in love.

A quarter-tank of gas, half the city, and several hours later, I managed to purchase one third of a gift. It's going to be worth it once I get my hands on the other two thirds.

The best gift is the one that you didn't know you wanted, but once you see it, you have no idea how you'd been with out it. And to think that someone else picked it out for you first.

I am a sentimental sap. I like the snow. I love the lights. I adore the Jack Frost nipping at my nose.

I'd take a gift that means something over a gift that breaks the bank anyday.

I need to watch Love Actually, but it's going to make me cry.

1 comment:

dimps said...

liv and i think it's due time for our love actually date...she's being pretty ambitious and wants to make it a christmas movie date..u know..with the holiday, serendipity, and whatever else if a good holiday, throw popcorn at the screen flick. no tables or lou's allowed. :)