Sunday, November 16, 2008

Growing green

    "Excuse me, where's the recycling?"
    "We don't have recycling,"
    "You mean I have to throw this in the garbage?"

I love the fact that children nowadays have been taught so well about the environment and all the ways they can pitch in to conserve it.

You can also tell the obvious gaps from the automatic actions instilled in the different generations. Older generations won't litter, but they use whatever method of disposal is made most easily available to them. My generation will make a conscious effort to sort garbage and recycling, but will turn to the trash if there isn't recycling. The youngest generation of today has a tough time just tossing something if there's a better way to get rid of it.

I love it.

And then there's the lights thing. I notice when I have to follow someone through the house, turning off the trail of lights left on because of the generation being of the younger one, of course.

The generation gap isn't confined to the environmental aspect either. Another I've noticed is the seatbelt fad. For me, it's automatic; I climb into the car and my seatbelt goes on. And really, it's the same way for most. But I couldn't help but notice that if anyone were to forget, it's because they were of the generation before seatbelts were mandatory.


When I first thought of this post, I really thought I might have more to say, or have more of a point to make...seems I was wrong. Ah well. It's been a while anyway...maybe I'm out of practice.

1 comment:

dimps said...

its okay if you're out of practice. i don't mind. when you're working a night shift and it's quarter to 4 in the morning and you can't sleep it's nice to read just about anything.