Sunday, November 30, 2008

Accidentally intimate

Crash Parallel


It was a date a year in the making. An awesome date.

Not downgraded

Probably unlike most others of the city, I was looking forward to the winter storm they were calling for. Big, huge, fat, lazy, drifting flakes of snow; falling from the glowing sky, to land and accumulate on the streets and sidewalks, decorating the winter wonderland that is as yet barren and bleak.

Instead, there is rain. Rain and slush and sleet and wet.

So, I shall while my evening away here in bed, smiling to myself as I read and re-read words about a love irrevocable.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

D. U. Influenced

Baby, baby, don't be late
The world is ending I can't change
The way I feel about you now
Lost in the music, in the music

Standing at the edge
The edge of it all
Spitting off the top
Watch the day unfurl
Cannot see the view from this place
Clouds are on the rise
world is out of faith
Took another pill to find my way
Hope that you'll be there

'Cause this is my way out of it tonight


Well, tomorrow night, really. :D

Shut down's...only...Wednesday...


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh so punny...

Why doesn't anyone like playing with Tigger?
Because he's always playing with Pooh.

Why is Peter Pan always flying?
Because he can NeverNeverLand

What's brown and sticky?
A stick.

What did the Mamma Tomato say to Baby Tomato when he fell behind?

What did the Baby corn say to the Mommy corn?
Where's Pop corn?

Thanks roomie!

Okay, now it's Edward-time...

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Unquenchable Thirst

In less than a week, I've managed to plow through the first 2 books of the Twilight series and have already made a huge dent in the third. This is while traveling cross-country and while organizing and running major events throughout the week.

I. can't. stop.

The only reason I ever stop reading is because I have to, never because I want to. I caught myself still reading this morning sometime after 5am. I was scheduled to leave for the airport at 11am.

Vampire stories have always been my reading-list weakness.

Love stories get me every time.

I have been bitten and I can't stop the venom from spreading...what they have feels so familiar.

( I come!)

Monday, November 17, 2008

In the wee hours

Edward and Bella.

I'm in love with Love. Again.

...not that I ever could have stopped...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Growing green

    "Excuse me, where's the recycling?"
    "We don't have recycling,"
    "You mean I have to throw this in the garbage?"

I love the fact that children nowadays have been taught so well about the environment and all the ways they can pitch in to conserve it.

You can also tell the obvious gaps from the automatic actions instilled in the different generations. Older generations won't litter, but they use whatever method of disposal is made most easily available to them. My generation will make a conscious effort to sort garbage and recycling, but will turn to the trash if there isn't recycling. The youngest generation of today has a tough time just tossing something if there's a better way to get rid of it.

I love it.

And then there's the lights thing. I notice when I have to follow someone through the house, turning off the trail of lights left on because of the generation being of the younger one, of course.

The generation gap isn't confined to the environmental aspect either. Another I've noticed is the seatbelt fad. For me, it's automatic; I climb into the car and my seatbelt goes on. And really, it's the same way for most. But I couldn't help but notice that if anyone were to forget, it's because they were of the generation before seatbelts were mandatory.


When I first thought of this post, I really thought I might have more to say, or have more of a point to make...seems I was wrong. Ah well. It's been a while anyway...maybe I'm out of practice.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Quotes from a Secret Life

    "The world will give you that once in a while, a brief, time-out; the boxing bell rings and you go to your corner, where somebody dabs mercy on your beat-up life."

    "Quietness has a strange, spongy hum that can nearly break your eardrums."

    "When I turned to the window, there was no one there. Not that I had expected there would be."

I wish I could sleep forever. It's been soooooooo busy, but it's going to be soooooooo worth it.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I Remembered

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I can think of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

Yes we can

History was made today. History is made everyday. But tonight, I rushed home to watch it happen.

Graciously, courageously, assertively, and inspiring, a new face was chosen to fill a role 200 years-old.

This is the first time I paid attention.


I went to see The Sound of Music tonight; the same night as the US Presidential Election. My reading aloud of the updates I was receiving via BlackBerry during the breaks were just as crowd-capturing as the show itself. Strangers clamoured not just to get to the lobby, but to find a spot admist the masses from which they could hear me better.

    "Who's ahead?"

    "Which state did you say?"

    "Was that 206 or 209?"

    "How many do they need?"

It was the closest I'd ever come to realizing my far-fetched dream of being a newscaster. It was so neat to see not only that text could cause such a stir, but that so many were caught up in the same current, not just riding the wave, but cheering it on all the way to shore.

I was in such a positive mood that I accidentally told someone the Leafs won when really, they'd only tied. Whoops. Not that it made a difference...tonight wasn't about the Leafs or even about the theatre; it was about some thing bigger. It was about the future. It was about hope. It was about change.