Monday, September 15, 2008

The moment

Blogs--journals, for that matter--are made up of moments in time. Each entry is a snapshot of a moment of emotions and experiences and thoughts. What may be true one moment may be null the next, but once in a while those flashpoint feelings make it to the page and are there to be remembered, even if the author's already forgotten.

This moment is about me forgetting all the stresses that followed me home and that await me upon my return to the real world, and about me finding an unwinding second, listening to the sound of the rain and writing about it as I so love to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Err... rain? That not-so-short-walk home in the rain last week probably got us both sick in the first place.

Stupid? Yes... but I'd do it again in a second, just to listen to the delicate wall of liquid harmony that followed us... albeit frequently interrupted by the incessant sloshing and squishing of your jeans.