Monday, July 17, 2006

Don't assume they're always listening

See that big screen TV? That used to be ours--we just got a new one. That picture of it was taken last night as it sat on our curb, hoping that someone ambitious would come cart it away for their own home since after months of offering, no one we knew would claim it.

Before it got to the curb, it was in pristine condition. By the time it got to the curb, it had a crack in the bottom of the frame. How did that get there?

"I just want to see if it will slide down the stairs."

That was dad's comment as he and Sherman were moving it out the front door and encountered the front steps. The seven front steps. The seven concrete front steps. It could've been worse.

And then, remember how I just explained that it was on the curb because no one we knew or offered it to would claim the behemoth? Well, we spent months asking around; whenever people would come by for a visit, we'd make sure that we'd remind them that the TV was free to a good home. Really, we meant any home. Since we were rejected time and time again, and since we'd already bought our replacement TV for it, to the curb it was, hoping someone else might take it in.

Today, Squiggly popped in.

"Hey, are you getting rid of your TV? Can I have it?"

ARGH!!! Oh did I let him have it. Of all of my friends, he'd been by the most, and therefore had been offered the TV ten times over. Poo-head. And then, he had the nerve to ask me to help him drag it back up to the top of the driveway so that he could come pick it up later tonight. Men. :)

On a lighter note, I figured out how to use YouTube and now have a video to share with you. Especially since we're on the topic of men and the amusing things they say or do. Mr. Brickhouse here is my own personal ice-cream decorator.

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