Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Hallowe'en!

Did anyone else dress-up today as they went through their daily routine besides me? To school and back, and soon, to Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and then volleyball, I donned some red and my devil's horns--and apparently, THAT was dressed-up. All day, I probably encountered maybe 5 other people with any Hallowe'en spirit. The best so far was an Edward Scissorhands that passed me in the hall as I was on my way to study. With just my devil horns, the few funny stares I got on the bus were worth all the shy smiles that met me everywhere else.

At least the kids are out this year. I don't know about anyone else, but in the last few years, the number of kids that I've seen trick-or-treating in the streets has been dismal. It's as if everyone suddenly decided it was too scary to go out to collect candy. But this year, I'm glad to report that I've already had to refill my candy hand-out bucket 1.5 times--the 0.5 time being due to the fact that I got a little impatient waiting and ate about that much of the candy.

Witches, warlocks, princesses, genies, Power-Rangers, and some random assortment of creatures from beyond the grave have all passed by my front doorstep so far this evening. I love it.

Quote of the Moment:
"Oooh, a devil!"
    --a little 3 year-old princess as she took one look at me, received her candy, and toddled off down the steps


Anonymous said...

Happy belated Halloween! Sadly, I did not dress up, but I did see little trick-o-treaters (so cute) on the streets of London with their parents in tow. In case you haven't heard, Loi and Linda welcomed a little baby boy, Layson Sing-Heung Lam, on Halloween morning (5:12 am), weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz. Catch you later. Love Lainie x

Anonymous said...

Hope your day went well!
Hope you aced your quiz!
Hope your practice goes better!
Thinking of you!!!!!