Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Happy Birthday, indeed!

I would write and tell all about what I did to celebrate my birthday this past weekend, but I honestly can't remember. I can tell you what my plans had been, though. My plan had been for people to come to my house and each bring a different bottle of liquor. Brodder would then proceed to use this plethora of alcohol to mix different drinks for myself and my guests as requested.

You tell me how successful this plan turned out to be:

Not only did I practically fall asleep with my head in the garbage can, but I had to wake up the next morning and be on the court across town to play volleyball by 9am, and then rush down to work to cover half of a shift for a friend. Thank goodness Sherman was there to take care of (me) my transportation. The only consolation to those pressing appointments that I had to keep was that I played AMAZINGLY on the court compared to my teammates (see entry of about 2 weeks ago), and that my co-worker graciously stepped up and took care of me, keeping me from falling over and just dying on the floor multiple times.

My Quote of the Weekend:
"I'm never drinking again."

But then again, isn't that what everyone says after a weekend like this?

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