Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Let them laugh

If you can't laugh with them, then that will leave them to laugh at you. I think it's incredibly healthy (and incredibly cool) to have a sense of humour and the ability to laugh at yourself.

The topic came up today as we debated whether or not our colleague was going to laugh at the fact that we'd spent 30 minutes "making her desk a safer place" while she was away at a health and safety conference this afternoon. While it seemed that those who knew her better thought she'd be less than pleased, I thought it had to be worth a laugh. At least a smile. My justification was that if somebody had done something like that to my desk, that meant that they spent 30 whole minutes completely focused on ME.

But then, that IS me and I'm really good at--as well as very fond of--laughing WITH people.

So is my Roomie, as this old photo evidence of my handiwork at her desk while she was on vacation will prove. Although, in that case, I took a moment to giggle (okay, laugh) AT her as well. I also spent the following week guarding my desk very, very closely.


Update - August 16, 2012, 9:02 am

She laughed!  But she also took names...  :)

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