Friday, April 08, 2011

(Un)Commonly Mispronounced Words

Brodder and I like to purposely mispronounce: paté (as "payt") and lasagna ("la-sag").

Boo and I do Chipotlé as "chi-po-tl".

Malcolm and I mispronounce everything: got = gotted, learned = learnd-ed...the list really goes's our own language, really.

Visitors to Toronto call Spadina "Spa-dee-na."

And then at work the topic (of "Ja-la-pen-o") came up and someone had a great one:

    "My girl friend walked in with her kids to a fast food restaurant and seeing poutine on the menu, she said 'I'd like two orders of poontang, please.'"

They definitely do not serve that at our cafeteria.

1 comment:

melody said...

I need to see this story. I think it's wrong. Apparently it used to be pronounced "Spa-dee-na", but has evolved to be "Spa-die-na" (according to Wikipedia).

The only way to solve this is to find ourselves an Ojibwa.

I refuse to have an American tourist correct me. Besides, the TTC voice on the buses and subways says "Spa-die-na."