Friday, April 08, 2011

(Un)Commonly Mispronounced Words

Brodder and I like to purposely mispronounce: paté (as "payt") and lasagna ("la-sag").

Boo and I do Chipotlé as "chi-po-tl".

Malcolm and I mispronounce everything: got = gotted, learned = learnd-ed...the list really goes's our own language, really.

Visitors to Toronto call Spadina "Spa-dee-na."

And then at work the topic (of "Ja-la-pen-o") came up and someone had a great one:

    "My girl friend walked in with her kids to a fast food restaurant and seeing poutine on the menu, she said 'I'd like two orders of poontang, please.'"

They definitely do not serve that at our cafeteria.


dimps said...

there was a news story about this. toronto streets that are commonly mispronounced.

spadina is apparently properly pronounced "spa-dee-na"

who knew the tourists has it more accurate than us?

melody said...

I need to see this story. I think it's wrong. Apparently it used to be pronounced "Spa-dee-na", but has evolved to be "Spa-die-na" (according to Wikipedia).

The only way to solve this is to find ourselves an Ojibwa.

I refuse to have an American tourist correct me. Besides, the TTC voice on the buses and subways says "Spa-die-na."