Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Two wrongs?

The other day I dropped my phone on the sidewalk. Not unusual of me, especially since I've never really kept my phone in a case. The brief whiles that I kept my phone in a holster, I still managed to drop it on the sidewalk on the one exposed corner of the phone and scratched it to hell anyway.

Anyhoo, I dropped my phone, picked it up and went on my merry way as usual after a drop. But then I got a phone call...and I couldn't hear a thing. So I rebooted. Then I got another phone call...and I STILL couldn't hear a thing. So I got Crazy to check the volume settings. Then I got one more test call...nothing. I determined that my callers could hear me, but that I couldn't hear my callers. :(

Resigned to text messaging only, I went home. Then my brother called. Explaining into the silence after answering that while I could not hear him, I knew that he could hear me, and if he would be so kind as to resign himself to texting me, that would be grand. Our conversation continued with him texting me and with me responding with single-sided phone calls.

By about the fourth single-sided call, I vented my annoyance by banging on my phone's screen with my fist as I waited for it to tell me that it was connected and I could start speaking at my brother. But then,


I could hear again! Thrilled, I wrapped up my conversation with my brother, called Crazy to share the news, and then took a moment to bask in the knowledge that I didn't have to deal with finding myself a new phone.

Now I only have 565746796416 things left to do.

1 comment:

Izzy said...

That's too funny, next time my phone is acting wonky I'll just smack the hell out of it. LOL