Wednesday, March 31, 2010


There are a lot of drafts building up in my post-list. I keep starting them but never getting the chance to finish them. Some of them are even on paper, but I just haven't gotten the time (or motivation) to get them down.

Just in case you were wondering.

A couple of conclusions reached over the past few girl-to-girl conversations:
  • Men are stupid. Women are crazy.

  • Just because you do unto others, doesn't mean that they'll do unto you.

  • Despite all the theories and proven evidence there is, sometimes you just have to try it to find out.

  • Women's Intuition. (That's it. Women's Intuition, period.)

Huh, that was it. I thought there were more--but they were probably lost to those spells of no-time, or lacking-motivation.

My contract job (did I even mention that?) of 2 months comes to an end tomorrow. I was snapped up for another position elsewhere about halfway through, so while I knew I wasn't going to renew, I let them tell me they didn't have the resources to keep me. And that's what they did, and the meeting with HR ended on great terms.

And then the next day arrived and the director himself tried to keep me. I was honestly flattered, and more than curious...but a commitment is a commitment and I had to decline. There was nothing surefire anyway...they just realized what an awesome asset I would be to their team if it grew in the optimistic way they wanted it to. I wished them the best of luck, and told them to keep my contact.

I was reading a...story...of sorts today, and the line that wrenched at my heart?

But...the forgiveness came.

Ugh. It might as well have been "I got off the plane." Only, in the story I'm referring to, he gets on the plane--but it's a good thing.

Tired. Should sleep--I spent 4 hours in the kitchen today. Cooking, cooking again, and then baking "it's my last day" cookies. And I had to make sure I baked enough so that when Crazy was done sneaking them away over the course of the evening, I still had some left to take to work. :/

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