Thursday, July 09, 2009

Almost like you're actually there...

It's amazing how technology these days can help you feel close to those you care about, even if you're all the way on the other side of the globe. It's also amazing how technology these days is not always easy enough for everyone to use well...

    "I don't know how to use Photoshop. This is the best I could do with Paint."

Ehbaba, we miss you too...


ehbaba said... make me sound retarded!

By the artwork that I created though, I think the box on which I'm defending myself is actually a hole in the ground haha.

When I first opened your page, I was all angry "WHY DIDN'T SHE USE THE ONE WITH ME IN IT???"...and then I scrolled down. YEYE

melody said...

Hahaha...when I first read your comment, I was all worried that I'd really offended you. My defense was going to be: "But you SAID so!"


You should have been a graphic artist. I'm sure that if they had picture editing tools in Excel, you'd be a pro-star.