Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Afternoon laugh

I forgot that I had Malcolm's wallet in my purse last night, so today, he had to go without.  When he called me to let me know that he'd gotten through the day safe and sound without it, we had the following conversation:

him: "Oh, and honey, if you find any phone numbers in my wallet, I just want to let you know that they're not mine."
me: "Well, I figured that you wouldn't have to have copies of your own number in your wallet."

him: "Hahaha. Yes, of course.  But if you find any other numbers in there, they're not mine either. They're, uh, client phone numbers."

me:  "Ah, and the ones written in lipstick are just the ones that you wrote down after your pen ran out?"

him: "Of course! See, you know me so well!"

Unbeknownst to me, my coworkers were able to hear most of that conversation (my ears are clogged today) and had a good laugh too.

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