Friday, February 08, 2013

S'no(w) joke

The last few days, as everyone knows, has had the news and weather reports screaming out warnings about the Snowmaggedon looming at the end of the week.  For me, the Frankenstorm (good ol' Hurricane Sandy) saw me out frolicking in the streets with Senorita and the last Snowpocalypse melted away within 12 hours of wreaking its white-out havoc (the fact that we had more than 4 able bodies lying around to shovel it away from my parents' driveway toned down the havoc as well - especially since one of those bodies was from Calgary and kept asking "is this it?" as he danced in a thin coat and running shoes through the drifts).  So you can kind of understand when the warnings went off about this upcoming storm, I was hesitant to call in the army.

However, following the lead of many of my co-workers, I made the preparations to work from home today, thinking that, if anything, it'd save me the GO train fare into the city and back.  When I awoke to the winter-wonderland that had been predicted, I was impressed.  I dutifully logged in and started to make my way through my to-do list that I'd brought home for myself.  As I worked, I couldn't help but watch the snow fall and fall.  I could actually make out a noticeable amount of accumulation of snow from the time I'd gotten up until that time an hour later.  This was is for real.

Two hours into the work day, my connection to the work servers became apoplectically slow.  Turns out it wasn't just me.  I received three emails simultaneously, shortly after that.

Email 1 from co-worker: "System has crashed. VPN won't connect. Will keep trying."

Email 2 from VP: "I've heard the same from the team here in Montreal. Please all take a break and stay safe. For the few of you in the office, please wrap up and go home."

Email 3 from Director: "Was just sending the same note myself. Travel safe everyone...see y'all monday."

Can't argue with that.  Wrapped up and saved what I could, then logged off to make the most (and in this case, that really means the least) of today's snow day.

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