Wednesday, December 02, 2009

"OMG, I can't go down there!"

I've added a couple of posts to my Europe adventure recollection. I think it's easier to plow through them right now since there's no pressure to add any pictures. When I get myself more organized, I'll get back at that. I feel back that I'm slacking so bad, but since I gave up Jenny to mom, I just can't compute in the basement all day. With Jenny, at least I could sit upstairs on the couch and soak up what little sunlight there was.

There's only London left, really, but having worn and really walked in heels for the first time in MONTHS today, my back is really killing me, and I can't stand to sit here at this desk much longer. I've tried turning the chair around to sit bad-ass styles, moving the keyboard to my lap, adjusting my posture, worsening my posture...but all to no avail. I'll try to finish up tomorrow, I suppose.

If anyone's listening, I could go for an ergonomic chair--and I'm sure that I wouldn't mistake it for Robert Pattinson. :D


ehbaba said...


Do you have a desktop in the basement or something? Why are you stuck there?

Anonymous said...

hahahahahah to the RP reference as well! :S sorrrrrrry i was really excited. what else could be in a box that big?! i'm at work ...reading your blog...oops?

silent R