The first time one of my co-workers sent out the obligatory email to inform the rest of the team she was going to work from home, I had no idea what she meant. The message was all in the subject line:
S: WFH - nobody mess with my desk!!!
I dissected the message as such:
S: = a backwards :S face indicating her possible confusion or frustration with something.
WFH = a possible typo of WTH (what the hell) or a possible, really bad typo of WTF (no explanation needed, I'm sure)
Nobody mess with my desk!!! = explanation of her inclusion of the S: and the WFH
I learned later that I was very wrong.
S: = short message, no text in body of email so don't bother reading any more
WFH = work(ing) from home
Nobody mess with my desk!!! = there'd been an incident with someone else's desk earlier...
So today I thought I'd WFH in an attempt to fly quietly below the work radar and catch up on a bunch of projects. That was so very not the case. Instead, I ended up spending my entire day on catching up on things that were not even part of my work load.
I'm now counting down the minutes to time to log off.
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